PR Policy

I am happy to test out your product, service, or experience. If you take the time to contact me in a professional yet personal manner, I will take the time to respond, even if I can not accept your offer at the time. I assume your interest in working with me is due to the trust my readers have in my recommendations, so I'm sure you would expect nothing less than total honesty, even if my experience was less than satisfactory. I will take the time to point out what I liked about my experience, and what I think could be improved, because, again, I value my readers and want to give them every bit of information I can.

Here is some basic information that will help you determine if I may be a good fit for your brand:

  • -I am in my early-mid thirties.
  • -I am a plus sized woman who enjoys style immensely.
  • -I have a 6yo daughter, an 8yo daughter, and a 16yo son. My younger daughter is imaginative and struggles with academics. My older daughter excels in academics and enjoys electronics. My son is the size of a man and enjoys hip hop culture, driving, girls, and lots and lots of music.  I also have a 14yo stepson who enjoys drawing, anime, cosplay, video games, sports, and reading.
  • -I am divorced, so I'm somewhat of a single mother as far as day to day life, but I am not parenting alone, exactly, either.
  • -I have one cat, a short haired indoor.  Our other cat just ran away and our puppy died four days after we got him.  We are in the market for another pet sometime soon.
  • -I have a male roommate who travels often for work.
  • -I work outside of the home marketing my business, but my schedule is flexible and much of my administrative tasks are done from home. This means I bridge the gap between SAHM, WAHM, and working mom on a daily basis.
  • -I'm also a student.
  • -Making wise financial decisions is critical to my lifestyle.
  • -I try to stick to healthier options for my family, but I admit that time and money constraints lead to convenient choices often.  Still, I am actively trying to lose weight at this time.
  • -Choosing greener options is something I try to do as often as possible, but only if it fits in my budget.
  • -My family is very tech savvy. We all have an array of gadgets and we enjoy them very much.
  • -We live in the hot central Florida climate.
If there is something in that profile that leads you to believe my opinion could be of value to both my readers and your client, please feel free to contact me at: angelmariesmith at gmail dot com.